Sabtu, 18 April 2015
TIOBE Index: How popular my programming language skill?
It is too bad for me which in last 8 years I'm too focus on specific skill.
I have been far away from my passion, programming.
In recent day, i've done some research on the trend of programming language. Search and read many article over the net. and I found this, TIOBE is company which specialized in assessing and tracking the quality of software.
What interesting to me is, this company site, by monthly, release the rank of programming language popularity. It is officially call as TIOBE Programming Community index. The ratings are based on the number of skilled engineers world-wide, courses and third party vendors. Popular search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo!, Wikipedia, Amazon, YouTube and Baidu are used to calculate the ratings. It is important to note that the TIOBE index is not about the best programming language or the language in which most lines of code have been written.
The definition of the TIOBE index can be found here.
Rating mainly defined base on the search engine. It mean, higher rank of programming language on that TIOBE Index, that programming language more demanding.
For university student, for instance, it can be used to decided which programming language that they should learn.
For educational institution, it can be used for planning their curricula.
Software house and vendor also can used what their programming language and technology that they are focused in the future.
And so on.
But please note.
There are many parameter for that above decision to make. You cannot simply use that Index.
You should take attention on old programming language which has good position on the index, Visual Basic (rank #9) and Delphi (rank #11).
With top 20 position for VB and Delphi, it is very interesting discussion, is history repeated?
Jumat, 17 April 2015
HTML 5: Why you need HTML 5 ?
There are many of blog and article the explain, in-details, why you should use html5.
I'll give you the link on the end of this article.
Before answering the the question of this article title, let me share what it HTML5.
HTML5 just new HTML specification on top of previous version of specification.
If you have knowledge and experience on html 4, that enough to moving forward.
It come with some new tag that mainly to offer more rich of web application development.
So, why you need HTML 5?
- It bring new tag with rich content capability. You can have audio, video content with our 3rd parties plug-in need to installed (use <audio> and <video> tag). even it is possible to built game application using <canvas> tag
- Code is cleaner. instead of using <div> tag with id then manipulate the content using javascript, html5 come with specific tag. <section>, <article>, <header>, <footer>, <aside> and <nav> tags will give you more meaningful tags.
- It is mobile ready. Mostly no need special converter code to display web application on the desktop browser or mobile. it just ready!
- No more painful with 3rd parties plug-in. use pure html which will support by cross-platform browser. include geo-location API.
Here some more details article for future reference.
HTML 5: Brief of AJAX
In 2005, Jesse James Garrett, publish a blog Ajax: A New Approach to Web Applications, which realize (as many others) the gap between web-base application and native-pc/desktop-application and he think that gap is closing. He gave example for Google Suggest and Google Map application.
That two Google application, that time, was new approach to web application, as he call as AJAX, Asynchronous JavaScript And XML.
"Ajax isn’t a technology. It’s really several technologies, each flourishing in its own right, coming together in powerful new ways"
So refer to Garret, AJAX consist of:
- standards-based presentation using XHTML and CSS;
- dynamic display and interaction using the Document Object Model;
- data interchange and manipulation using XML and XSLT;
- asynchronous data retrieval using XMLHttpRequest;
- and JavaScript binding everything together.
Web application, work base on http request and response.
For instance, you click one link or click submit button of web page, it is actually request data to the server, then server will response by sending bunch of HTML code.
In traditional web application, the response from the server will replace, entirely, the HTML code for one page. for example, your page contain data 1,2 and 3. You send request to the server to update data 1. if you want your page also contain data 2 and 3 for next response, you have to request data 2 and 3 as well. it is synchronous.
Using AJAX, you can request only data 1, then data 2 and 3 which already on the client (browser) no need to be requested again. Data 1 will updated on specific area of your page, the rest still untouched. it is asynchronous.
AJAX will reduce number of traffic between client and server, which on above example only data 1 will be transferred.
If you are an active user of Facebook, you will notice, receive friend request without even click any button. Asynchronous method on AJAX will check on the background to the server if there is new friend request to you.
And friend request notification only displayed on particular area of your page.
Amazingly, you can response to that friend request without refreshing entire your Facebook page.
It pretty same as native application behavior. it is bring user-friendly web application.
Then why you still need HTML 5?
HTML 5: Flash back
In the late 90'
- No need to install native application (just use the browser), no painful to install and update on each client machine
- Cross platform (Build Once, Run Everywhere)
- Maintenance on the one place (on the server side)
With above advantage, many new web-based application was released. It also attract existing native-application to migrate to web-base application.
Beside that advantage, actually the web-base application has some challenge:
- Most of pure web-base application is not intuitive as native-application
- it is not easy to build user-friendly web-based application as native-application does. need extra man-days labor cost.
- Cross-platform jargon not always work (browser's vendor sometime build non-standard tag, or new version of specification)
Then Dynamic HTML come to the picture.
Which seem promising to build intuitive, user-friendly web-base application,
Javascript, VBScript, DOM and CSS (cascading style sheet) technology combine with static HTML.
But, as you remember, big vendor bring their own specification. Microsoft with JScript and VBScript, Sun microsystem with javascript.
Regardless of vendor competition, dynamic HTML also still have drawback to bring rich content, intuitive web-base application. It is dynamic, yes. But only happen at the client side. You can have beautiful-dynamic looking web application, but cannot interact dynamically with server side.
I have no idea when it is exactly started, instead of focusing to enhanced the dynamic html specification, some vendor come with browser plug-in/adds-on.
Plug-in is native application that can be embedded and run on the browser.
It is just pure native application!
Sun Microsystem come with Java Applet, Microsoft with Active-X and one phenomenon is Flash Player from Macromedia (later Adobe).
Plug-in offering something that pure web-application cannot do - rich content, intuitive-user friendly application.
But again, it also bring objection, in-term of performance and security.
And the technology is proprietary to specific vendor (even Java claimed as 'open').
Here some objection on that Plug-in/Adds-On technology:
So, what next?
Plug-in is native application that can be embedded and run on the browser.
It is just pure native application!
Sun Microsystem come with Java Applet, Microsoft with Active-X and one phenomenon is Flash Player from Macromedia (later Adobe).
Plug-in offering something that pure web-application cannot do - rich content, intuitive-user friendly application.
But again, it also bring objection, in-term of performance and security.
And the technology is proprietary to specific vendor (even Java claimed as 'open').
Here some objection on that Plug-in/Adds-On technology:
So, what next?
Senin, 13 April 2015
Extreme Programming: How are you, Bro?
It quiet long time i didn't follow what happen to extreme programming (XP) methodology progress.
Since i leave my main jobs as developer in 2006, I have no practical and technical practice on XP.
I tried to do some small check on the search engine, with extreme programming keyword.
That bring me to main extreme programming site,
I've checked, last update on that site is on 2009! that's five years ago.
Ok, may be the admin site was like me, move to another jobs and nothing special can be added to the site so far.
Search another site, found some site the referring to Don Wells, XP Guru and initiative who the owner and host of
it lead me to and Don is there!
Agile is core, main soul of extreme programming. XP for whatever reason it is named, seem didn't attract big software vendor to use it.
Agile is more general too, simple and easy to associate with only by referring the terminology.
On some presentation, in my company i work for now, Agile is marketing booster key-word too.
Continuously improvement by Agile.
XP body may be dead, but the soul, it reincarnate to better form, I believe.
Since i leave my main jobs as developer in 2006, I have no practical and technical practice on XP.
I tried to do some small check on the search engine, with extreme programming keyword.
That bring me to main extreme programming site,
I've checked, last update on that site is on 2009! that's five years ago.
Ok, may be the admin site was like me, move to another jobs and nothing special can be added to the site so far.
Search another site, found some site the referring to Don Wells, XP Guru and initiative who the owner and host of
it lead me to and Don is there!
Agile is core, main soul of extreme programming. XP for whatever reason it is named, seem didn't attract big software vendor to use it.
Agile is more general too, simple and easy to associate with only by referring the terminology.
On some presentation, in my company i work for now, Agile is marketing booster key-word too.
Continuously improvement by Agile.
XP body may be dead, but the soul, it reincarnate to better form, I believe.
Jumat, 10 April 2015
HP OMi 10: opr-jobs command to manage deployment jobs
HP OMi 10, with Monitoring Automation feature, designed for Automatics policies assignment and Deployment.
But for some reason, sometime deployment jobs if fail due to agent connection problem for instance.
Even after agent connection establish , when deployment jobs fail, you have to restart the deployment jobs through GUI:
Administration => Monitoring => Deployment Jobs
then select failed jobs, right click and restart deployment jobs.
there is alternative way to managed redeployment jobs using command line:
<BSM_HOME>/opr/bin/ | bat <conection> -start
here the example:
If you want only redeploy failed jobs, use following:
<BSM_HOME>/opr/bin/ | bat <conection> -start failed
But for some reason, sometime deployment jobs if fail due to agent connection problem for instance.
Even after agent connection establish , when deployment jobs fail, you have to restart the deployment jobs through GUI:
Administration => Monitoring => Deployment Jobs
then select failed jobs, right click and restart deployment jobs.
there is alternative way to managed redeployment jobs using command line:
<BSM_HOME>/opr/bin/ | bat <conection> -start
here the example:
If you want only redeploy failed jobs, use following:
<BSM_HOME>/opr/bin/ | bat <conection> -start failed
HP OMi 10: New version. What new and impact on the architecture?
Early this year, HP has released new HP Operation Manager i 10 which bring new architecture for Operation bridge families of HP Software.
The main thing that shipped with this new version are:
- OMi now separated from BSM. BSM will mainly focused on the Application Performance Management (APM). A long with OMi 10 release, HP APM 9.25 also released.
- Monitoring Automation (MA) also will shipped together with OMi 10, no need separate installation to get MA feature on the OMi 10, like on the BSM 9.2x.
What the impact on your architecture?
Here I'll only discuss on the new deployment of the OMi. Later on, I plan to post the impact on the existing BSM/OMi/MA/OM deployment.
Why you need OMi?
That the first question that should come on your mind to decided for deploying of OMi.
OMi is designed as single event consolidation dashboard. You desired to have single pane of glass for events.
You have multiple events source which need to be consolidate and correlated. That is the perfect scenarios to bring OMi.
OMi naturally will consolidate Agent base event (from HP Operation Manager) and Agent-less event from SiteScope for Server and Application event.
OMi has integration with NNMi for Network base event which will give you much visibility on your entire infrastructure events.
Also, OMi shipped with various BSM Connector, to integrated third parties EMS:
What is Monitoring Automation?
Monitoring Automation which introduced on HP BSM 9.22, bring capability of BSM/OMi as Management Server, like HP Operations Manager.
Yes, you can create monitoring policies, deploy policies,upload instrumentation and update installed Operation Agent.
And also for SiteScope (Agent-less)
Even more...AUTOMATION. I'll post another topic related to Monitoring Automation
What impact on your new deployment architecture?
Yes, you can create monitoring policies, deploy policies,upload instrumentation and update installed Operation Agent.
And also for SiteScope (Agent-less)
Even more...AUTOMATION. I'll post another topic related to Monitoring Automation
What impact on your new deployment architecture?
By design, OMi 10 now is HP BSM with focused on Operation Bridge, and Monitoring Automation. Completely separate from HP BSM/APM.
You'll not found following feature when installing HP OMi:
You'll not found following feature when installing HP OMi:
- End User Management (HP BPM or HP RUM)
- Service Level Management
- Diagnostics
- System Availability Management (SiteScope UI), but you still have Event/Topology integration, and SiteScope monitoring configuration via Monitoring Automation.
On OMi 10 you will have:
How I can get complete feature of BSM 9.2x on OMi?
Integration. You can integrate HP BSM 9.2x/APM 9.2x to OMi 10 get complete feature.
End user monitoring event and HI can be sent to OMI.
Event from OMi can be sent to APM 9.2x to feed SLM.
I also plan to post on separate topic for OMi - APM integration.
- Operation Management complete feature (event browser, TBEC, SBEC etc)
- Service Health
- MyBSM (renamed as Workspace) and its component plus OOTB Pages
- RTSM as Foundation configuration management
How I can get complete feature of BSM 9.2x on OMi?
Integration. You can integrate HP BSM 9.2x/APM 9.2x to OMi 10 get complete feature.
End user monitoring event and HI can be sent to OMI.
Event from OMi can be sent to APM 9.2x to feed SLM.
I also plan to post on separate topic for OMi - APM integration.
Note: for future, I'll use APM instead of BSM.
HP OMi 10: Trust relationship with HP Operation Manager for Linux
If you read the documentation about how to configure trust relationship between HP OMi and HP OML , it look complicated.
Too many line need to read, since that documentation build with some condition, like if you have old version of HPOM.
But with current new OM version that will be simple step:
Too many line need to read, since that documentation build with some condition, like if you have old version of HPOM.
But with current new OM version that will be simple step:
- Run on OMi <OMi_HOME>/opr/bin/|bat <oml_target_server>
- Run on OML /opt/OV/bin/ <OMi_Target_server>
- Check the result
at the end of command result, option to Add CA certificate will be ask, then type y, press enter.
Similarly, type y and press enter.
Use command bbcutil -ping <target_server> to check the connection.
Do it from OMi and OML and status must be OK.
Rabu, 08 April 2015
HP OMi 10: opr-agt setting up agent configuration (example 2)
opr-agt example agent setting
On the Operation Agent, you can use command ovconfget to display the agent setting and ovconfchg to set specific agent setting.
on the Operation Manager, you also have an option to use opcragt for remotely collect agent information or setting agent.
On the OMi 10, opr-agt also has similar option: -get_config_var and -set_config_var
you need to supply the specific name space to collect agent information.
Following example, the command set the agent config on eaagt name space, then check the result using get_config_var
Hope it helpful, and please write the comment for further question.
On the Operation Agent, you can use command ovconfget to display the agent setting and ovconfchg to set specific agent setting.
on the Operation Manager, you also have an option to use opcragt for remotely collect agent information or setting agent.
On the OMi 10, opr-agt also has similar option: -get_config_var and -set_config_var
you need to supply the specific name space to collect agent information.
Following example, the command set the agent config on eaagt name space, then check the result using get_config_var
Hope it helpful, and please write the comment for further question.
HP OMi 10: opr-agt check the agent status, version, stop and start (example 1)
Example 1. opr-agt command to see status, version and stop-start agent
Hope it is helpful.
- Agent identity must use primary DNS name of agent registration on the RTSM
- Agent control process(ovcd) /bbc (ovbbcb) must be running on the agent, or following error will be raised.
- If connection establish, agent status will be displayed:
- Check agent version:
- Stop the agent then see the status:
- Start the agent and see the status:
Hope it is helpful.
HP OMi 10: opr-agt TARGET option
TARGET option
-query_name <query_name> | -view_name <view_name> | -filter_name <filter_name> | -node_list <node_list> [-dont_check_database] | -node_group <node_group> | -all
{‑query_name|‑qn} <query_name>
Performs the operation on
monitored nodes selected by the specified TQL query.
{‑view_name|‑vn} <view_name>
Performs the operation on
monitored nodes selected by the specified view.
{‑filter_name|‑fn} <filter_name>
Performs the operation on a list
of monitored nodes with the HP Operations Agent installed that was obtained
by applying the node filter.
{‑node_list|‑nl} <node_list>
Performs the operation on a list
of one or more monitored nodes. The nodes must exist in the RTSM and must be
associated with a CI of the type om_operations_agent.
Separate multiple nodes with
commas (for example,,
If used with the -dont_check_database
option, the operation on the nodes is performed without checking if the nodes
exist in the RTSM.
{‑node_group|‑ng} <node_group>
Performs the operation on a group
of monitored nodes. A node groups is a CI collection containing
hosts. Node groups can be maintained in the Monitoring Automation Node
Editor or they can be imported through topology synchronization from
HPOM to OMi.
The nodes must exist in the RTSM
and be associated with a CI of the type om_operations_agent.
Specify node groups by their names
or their paths (the latter applies to hierarchical node groups imported from
HPOM for Windows).
Performs the operation on all
monitored nodes that have the HP Operations Agent installed (that is, nodes
that are associated with a CI of the type om_operations_agent).
Selasa, 07 April 2015
HP Omi 10: opr-agt OPERATION option
( (-status | -start | -restart | -stop) [-comp <component> ] | -set_primary_manager
[-manager <NewManagerHostname>]
| [-switch_manager [-manager <NewManagerHostname> -manager_id <NewManagerId>] (-set_config_var | -clear_config_var | -get_config_var) <setting> | -agent_version | -list_policies) ) [-num_parallel] | -list_agent_nodenames | -deploy [-force | -clean]
Lists the HP Operations Agent
packages that are installed on the monitored node. The output includes the
package name, description, version, and platform.
Returns a list of monitored nodes
that match the target selection.
Lists the policy templates that
are deployed to the monitored node.
{-num_parallel|-np} <number>
Sets the maximum number of
monitored nodes that opr-agt can contact in parallel.
Default value is: 50.
{-clear_config_var|-ccv <namespace>:[<variable>]}
Deletes the specified HP
Operations Agent configuration setting in the specified namespace. When you omit
the variable, the tool deletes all settings in the specified
{-get_config_var|-gcv <namespace>:[<variable>]}
Retrieves the specified HP
Operations Agent configuration setting in the specified namespace. When you
omit the variable, the tool retrieves all settings in the specified
{-set_config_var|-scv} <namespace>:<variable>=<value>
Sets the HP Operations Agent
configuration variable to the specified value.
The <value> to set may not contain colons (:) or parentheses (()).
{-set_primary_manager|-primmgr} [-manager <NewManagerFQDN>]
Sets the primary manager for event
reception (primary event receiver) of an agent to the current OMi
Used with the [-manager <NewManagerFQDN>] option, this option sets the primary event receiver to
the value of <NewManagerFQDN>, which is the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the
new primary event receiver. In distributed environments, it is the FQDN of
the gateway server or a load balancer.
This option must be used in
conjunction with one of the available <targets> options.
Be aware that the [-manager <NewManagerFQDN>] option should be used with care. Specifying incorrect
values can result in serious communication problems, as the events will not
reach the server and will therefore be buffered on the agent.
{-switch_manager|-swm} [-manager <NewManagerFQDN>
-manager_id <NewManagerCoreID>]
Changes the primary manager of the
target hosts to the current OMi server. Note that using this option unsets
the primary event receiver (if OPC_PRIMARY_MGR is set). Subsequent events will be received by the server
from which the command was run.
Used with the [-manager <NewManagerFQDN>] and [-manager_id <NewManagerCoreID>] options, it changes the primary manager to the values
specified in <NewManagerFQDN> and <NewManagerCoreID>.
Specify the long hostname of the
new primary manager as <NewManagerFQDN> and its core ID value as <NewManagerCoreID> (you can get the server ID by running the ovcoreid –ovrg server
This option must be used in
conjunction with one of the following <targets>: -query_name, -view_name, -node_list, -node_group. Note that it cannot be used with the -all option.
Be aware that the [-manager] and [-manager_id]
options should be used with care. Specifying incorrect values can result in
serious communication problems between the server and the agents.
{-status_agent|-status} | {-start_agent|-start} |
{-restart_agent|-restart} | {-stop_agent|-stop} [-comp <component>]
Displays the status of, starts,
restarts, or stops all HP Operations Agent processes. The processes ovcd and ovbbccb are not
started or stopped.
The optional -comp option
enables you to specify individual agent processes or a group of processes
(for example the action agent process opcacta or the process group AGENT). To specify multiple processes, separate each process
with a comma (for example, opcacta,opcmsga,
{-deploy|-d} [-force | -clean]
Deploys the configuration to
target hosts.
Used with the -force option,
it redeploys the full configuration (policy templates and instrumentation).
If this option is not set, only the configuration that was not yet delivered
to the HP Operations Agent is deployed.
Used with the -clean option,
it removes all template policies from the target hosts before redeploying the
Note that this option must be used
in conjunction with one of the available <targets> options.
Tangerang, Tangerang
HP Omi 10: remote agent operation opr-agt command - General
The opr-agt Command-Line Interface
You can use the opr-agt command-line interface (CLI) to manage and configure the HP Operations Agent on one or more monitored nodes:
You can use the opr-agt command-line interface (CLI) to manage and configure the HP Operations Agent on one or more monitored nodes:
- Get the current status of the agent processes.
- Start or restart the agent processes.
- Shut down (stop) the agent processes.
- Return the version number of the installed HP Operations Agent software.
- Return the setting of configuration variables.
- Set configuration variables to a specified value.
- Switch the primary manager.
- Deploy configuration.
- Sets the primary manager for event reception (primary event receiver)
This command equivalent to opcragt on the HP Operation Manager.
The opr-agt command-line interface first contacts the RTSM to retrieve a list of monitored nodes. It then contacts up to 50 nodes in parallel to perform the requested operation. When you run an operation on more than one monitored node, opr-agt displays the status immediately after a remote operation finishes for each node.
You can run opr-agt on a gateway or a data processing server. On the server, the server processes must be running, and the ovcd and ovbbccb processes must be running on the monitored node.
opr-agt <BSM_CONNECTION> <operation> <targets> <authentication> <toolInfo>
Please follow the below link to see more detail explanation for each option:
HP OMi 10: opr-agt BSM_CONNECTION option
-username <login name> -password <password> ([-port <port>] [-server <GatewayServer> [-ssl] | -url <url>]) [-customer <customer ID>]
Note: If
is omitted, the command is executed on the server to which you are logged on.
{-username|-user} <login name>
Sets the login name of the user required to execute CLI
operations on the target gateway server.
{-password|-pw} <password>
Sets the password for the specified user.
Default value: empty string
{-port|-p} <port>
Uses port <port> to connect to the target
gateway server.
Default value of <port>:
80 for HTTP connections 443 for HTTPS connections |
-server <GatewayServer>
Sets the target gateway server, using <GatewayServer>
as the hostname or IP address to locate it.
Default value of <GatewayServer>:
FQDN of the OMi gateway server |
When this option is specified, the HTTPS protocol is used to connect to the target gateway server. If omitted, the HTTP protocol is used. Cannot be used in conjunction with the -url option. |
{-url|-u} <url> |
Sets the target gateway server, using <url> as the URL to locate it.Default value of <url> :http://<OMi gateway FQDN>:80/opr‑config‑server/rest |
{-customer|-cu} <customer ID> |
Sets the identification number associated with a particular customer. Default value: 1
Only applicable if you have multi-tenancy on the RTSM. |
Oracle create table space SQL script
Oracle stores data logically in tablespaces and physically in datafiles associated with the corresponding tablespace.
Please refer to oracle documentation for more details:
In here I will provide the simple script with batch file to create oracle tablespace.
So it will consist of 2 portion:
Using both file, you'll have flexibility to create tablespace with specific parameter.
The first line on Batch command is sqlplus connection
The Parameters:
1) [admin_user] = Username, with Administrative DB Privilages.
2) [admin_password] = Password Of The Above user.
3) [conn_str] = DB Connection String As In Tnsnames.ora .
4) [tablespace_name] = Tablespace name to be created.
5) [file_name] = Full path file name to be created.
6) [file_size] = File size (use M for Mb, K for Kb).
PLSQL Script
oracle_tablespace_create.bat system password <conn_string> MY_TBS C:\APP\HPSWADM\ORADATA\<SID>\MY_TBS_01.DBF 1024M
Please refer to oracle documentation for more details:
In here I will provide the simple script with batch file to create oracle tablespace.
So it will consist of 2 portion:
- Batch command file
- PLSQL script
Using both file, you'll have flexibility to create tablespace with specific parameter.
The first line on Batch command is sqlplus connection
sqlplus -s %1/%2@%3 @oracle_tablespace_create.sql %4 %5 %6
The Parameters:
1) [admin_user] = Username, with Administrative DB Privilages.
2) [admin_password] = Password Of The Above user.
3) [conn_str] = DB Connection String As In Tnsnames.ora .
4) [tablespace_name] = Tablespace name to be created.
5) [file_name] = Full path file name to be created.
6) [file_size] = File size (use M for Mb, K for Kb).
PLSQL Script
set echo on
set feedback on
set autoprint on
set serveroutput on size 20000
spool oracle_tablespace_create.log
prompt Creating tablespace &&1 into file: &&2 with size of &&3
'&&2' SIZE &&3
spool off
How to use?
here how to use the script to create 1 GB tablespace:connection
oracle_tablespace_create.bat system password <conn_string> MY_TBS C:\APP\HPSWADM\ORADATA\<SID>\MY_TBS_01.DBF 1024M
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