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Senin, 13 April 2015

Extreme Programming: How are you, Bro?

It quiet long time i didn't follow what happen to extreme programming (XP) methodology progress.
Since i leave my main jobs as developer in 2006, I have no practical and technical practice on XP.
I tried to do some small check on the search engine, with extreme programming keyword.
That bring me to main extreme programming site,

I've checked, last update on that site is on 2009! that's five years ago.
Ok, may be the admin site was like me, move to another jobs and nothing special can be added to the site so far.

Search another site, found some site the referring to Don Wells, XP Guru and initiative who the owner and host of
it lead me to and Don is there!

Agile is core, main soul of extreme programming. XP for whatever reason it is named, seem didn't attract big software vendor to use it.
Agile is more general too, simple and easy to associate with only by referring the terminology.
On some presentation, in my company i work for now, Agile is marketing booster key-word too.

Continuously improvement by Agile.

XP body may be dead, but the soul, it reincarnate to better form, I believe.

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