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Jumat, 10 April 2015

HP OMi 10: New version. What new and impact on the architecture?

Early this year, HP has released new HP Operation Manager i 10 which bring new architecture for Operation bridge families of HP Software.

The main thing that shipped with this new version are:

  • OMi now separated from BSM. BSM will mainly focused on the Application Performance Management (APM). A long with OMi 10 release, HP APM 9.25 also released.
  • Monitoring Automation (MA) also will shipped together with OMi 10, no need separate installation to get MA feature on the OMi 10, like on the BSM 9.2x.
What the impact on your architecture?
Here I'll only discuss on the new deployment of the OMi. Later on, I plan to post the impact on the existing BSM/OMi/MA/OM deployment.

Why you need OMi?
That the first question that should come on your mind to decided for deploying of OMi.

OMi is designed as single event consolidation dashboard. You desired to have single pane of glass for events.
You have multiple events source which need to be consolidate and correlated. That is the perfect scenarios to bring OMi.

OMi naturally will consolidate Agent base event (from HP Operation Manager) and Agent-less event from SiteScope for Server and Application event.
OMi has integration with NNMi for Network base event which will give you much visibility on your entire infrastructure events.

Also, OMi shipped with various BSM Connector, to integrated third parties EMS:

What is Monitoring Automation?
Monitoring Automation which introduced on HP BSM 9.22, bring capability of BSM/OMi as Management Server, like HP Operations Manager. 
Yes, you can create monitoring policies, deploy policies,upload instrumentation and update installed Operation Agent.
And also for SiteScope (Agent-less)
Even more...AUTOMATION. I'll post another topic related to Monitoring Automation

What impact on your new deployment architecture?
By design, OMi 10 now is HP BSM with focused on Operation Bridge, and Monitoring Automation. Completely separate from HP BSM/APM.

You'll not found following feature when installing HP OMi:

  • End User Management (HP BPM or HP RUM)
  • Service Level Management
  • Diagnostics
  • System Availability Management (SiteScope UI), but you still have Event/Topology integration, and SiteScope monitoring configuration via Monitoring Automation.
On OMi 10 you will have:

  • Operation Management complete feature (event browser, TBEC, SBEC etc)
  • Service Health
  • MyBSM (renamed as Workspace) and its component plus OOTB Pages
  • RTSM as Foundation configuration management

How I can get complete feature of BSM 9.2x on OMi?
Integration. You can integrate HP BSM 9.2x/APM 9.2x to OMi 10 get complete feature.
End user monitoring event and HI can be sent to OMI.
Event from OMi can be sent to APM 9.2x to feed SLM.
I also plan to post on separate topic for OMi - APM integration.

Note: for future, I'll use APM instead of BSM.

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