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Selasa, 07 April 2015

HP OMi 10: opr-agt BSM_CONNECTION option


Please follow this link for general description of opr-agt

-username <login name> -password <password> ([-port <port>] [-server <GatewayServer> [-ssl] | -url <url>]) [-customer <customer ID>]

Note: If <BSM_CONNECTION> is omitted, the command is executed on the server to which you are logged on.

{-username|-user} <login name>
Sets the login name of the user required to execute CLI operations on the target gateway server.
{-password|-pw} <password>
Sets the password for the specified user.
Default value: empty string
{-port|-p} <port>
Uses port <port> to connect to the target gateway server.
Default value of <port>:
80 for HTTP connections
443 for HTTPS connections
-server <GatewayServer>
Sets the target gateway server, using <GatewayServer> as the hostname or IP address to locate it.
Default value of <GatewayServer>:
FQDN of the OMi gateway server
When this option is specified, the HTTPS protocol is used to connect to the target gateway server. If omitted, the HTTP protocol is used.
Cannot be used in conjunction with the -url option.
{-url|-u} <url>
Sets the target gateway server, using <url> as the URL to locate it.
Default value of <url>:
http://<OMi gateway FQDN>:80/opr‑config‑server/rest
{-customer|-cu} <customer ID>
Sets the identification number associated with a particular customer.
Default value: 1

Only applicable if you have multi-tenancy on the RTSM.

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