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Selasa, 07 April 2015

HP Omi 10: opr-agt OPERATION option


Please follow this link for general description of opr-agt
( (-status | -start | -restart | -stop) [-comp <component> ] | -set_primary_manager [-manager <NewManagerHostname>] | [-switch_manager [-manager <NewManagerHostname> -manager_id <NewManagerId>] (-set_config_var | -clear_config_var | -get_config_var) <setting> | -agent_version | -list_policies) ) [-num_parallel] | -list_agent_nodenames | -deploy [-force | -clean]

Lists the HP Operations Agent packages that are installed on the monitored node. The output includes the package name, description, version, and platform.
Returns a list of monitored nodes that match the target selection.
Lists the policy templates that are deployed to the monitored node.
{-num_parallel|-np} <number>
Sets the maximum number of monitored nodes that opr-agt can contact in parallel.
Default value is: 50.
{-clear_config_var|-ccv <namespace>:[<variable>]}
Deletes the specified HP Operations Agent configuration setting in the specified namespace. When you omit the variable, the tool deletes all settings in the specified namespace.
{-get_config_var|-gcv <namespace>:[<variable>]}
Retrieves the specified HP Operations Agent configuration setting in the specified namespace. When you omit the variable, the tool retrieves all settings in the specified namespace.
{-set_config_var|-scv} <namespace>:<variable>=<value>
Sets the HP Operations Agent configuration variable to the specified value.
The <value> to set may not contain colons (:) or parentheses (()).
{-set_primary_manager|-primmgr} [-manager <NewManagerFQDN>]
Sets the primary manager for event reception (primary event receiver) of an agent to the current OMi server.
Used with the [-manager <NewManagerFQDN>] option, this option sets the primary event receiver to the value of <NewManagerFQDN>, which is the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the new primary event receiver. In distributed environments, it is the FQDN of the gateway server or a load balancer.
This option must be used in conjunction with one of the available <targets> options.
Be aware that the [-manager <NewManagerFQDN>] option should be used with care. Specifying incorrect values can result in serious communication problems, as the events will not reach the server and will therefore be buffered on the agent.
{-switch_manager|-swm} [-manager <NewManagerFQDN> -manager_id <NewManagerCoreID>]
Changes the primary manager of the target hosts to the current OMi server. Note that using this option unsets the primary event receiver (if OPC_PRIMARY_MGR is set). Subsequent events will be received by the server from which the command was run.
Used with the [-manager <NewManagerFQDN>] and [-manager_id <NewManagerCoreID>] options, it changes the primary manager to the values specified in <NewManagerFQDN> and <NewManagerCoreID>.
Specify the long hostname of the new primary manager as <NewManagerFQDN> and its core ID value as <NewManagerCoreID> (you can get the server ID by running the ovcoreid –ovrg server command).
This option must be used in conjunction with one of the following <targets>: -query_name, -view_name, -node_list, -node_group. Note that it cannot be used with the -all option.
Be aware that the [-manager] and [-manager_id] options should be used with care. Specifying incorrect values can result in serious communication problems between the server and the agents.
{-status_agent|-status} | {-start_agent|-start} | {-restart_agent|-restart} | {-stop_agent|-stop} [-comp <component>]
Displays the status of, starts, restarts, or stops all HP Operations Agent processes. The processes ovcd and ovbbccb are not started or stopped.
The optional -comp option enables you to specify individual agent processes or a group of processes (for example the action agent process opcacta or the process group AGENT). To specify multiple processes, separate each process with a comma (for example, opcacta,opcmsga, opcle).
{-deploy|-d} [-force | -clean]
Deploys the configuration to target hosts.
Used with the -force option, it redeploys the full configuration (policy templates and instrumentation). If this option is not set, only the configuration that was not yet delivered to the HP Operations Agent is deployed.
Used with the -clean option, it removes all template policies from the target hosts before redeploying the configuration.
Note that this option must be used in conjunction with one of the available <targets> options.

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